Hyrsylän Koulu is a former Finnish school now turned into a Gamified Cohousing.
Our principles are derived from the work of Architectural Democracy.
Read about this process here
Please note, the entire property is non-smoking, and we do not allow self-hosted parties. Quiet hours are observed after 10 PM.
Feel free to contact us for further details!
Floorplan main house, ground floor
Floorplan main house, second floor
Partnering with several institutions, including research ones in developing a STEAM Barn (STEAM = Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics). Among these we cooperate with Aalto University, Tongji University (Shanghai), several cooperatives in Portugal, further cohousings (Estonia, Slovenia and USA), the World Music School Helsinki ry, the Icelandic Siglufjördur Folk Music Center, The Transform Festival of Trondheim etc.
Inviting artists regularly is a good catalyst for this goal. The only premise requested of the invited artist, is that the work done involves the local community. This can be in the form of visual arts, in producing a piece of work that can be set in the school’s mini museum or outdoors. It can be in the form of music or video in producing a work that captures the sounds and images of the area or creates potential stories around local tales. It can be too touching architectural or carpentry works in improving the communication of the workers and residents of Hyrsylän Koulu with the local community. Or also with environmental artists in using local food production as means of empowerment.
The applicants must provide a work plan and a resume of their work and be interviewed.
Please contact us or our partners, the Art Gallery Cooperative in Helsinki, Myymälä2